just some chicken kabobs for dinner


Chris C

i wasnt going to post but the wife took some pictures because they looked good she said. used the flavorizer bars off the gasser to keep them suspended off the grate. Nothing fancy like most of you expert cooks but, you guys keep inspiring me to keep trying. anyhow enjoy.

Those are great looking kabobs, Chris! I'm definitely NOT one of the expert cooks you refer to, but I confess I'm curious: Is there a particular reason you wanted the bobbers raised off the grate? I usually like the "grilled" effect from them being right on the grates.

This forum inspires me too, Chris, every single day! Happy Father's Day to ya! -Mickey.
Originally posted by Mickey:
but I confess I'm curious: Is there a particular reason you wanted the bobbers raised off the grate? I usually like the "grilled" effect from them being right on the grates.

I used the flavorizer bars to keep it up off the grate so I would not burn them to bad. I had the fire pretty hot underneath. and it made them easier to turn and rotate if I had one that was getting to much heat.
Thanx for explaining, Chris. That makes sense. I was thinking your rub or marinade might have had sugar in it and you wanted it to just "brown" but not burn. Even with high heat, by raising 'em up off the grates, your kabobs sure are purdy!

