Just Say No To....


Phil Perrin

TVWBB Hall of Fame
Frozen steaks from the backs of trucks! Just had a guy ring my door bell. Said he had "high quality steaks,burgers and chicken ". We did that once. Never again! Nasty,nasty stuff! Needless to say,I turned him away very quickly!
right there with ya - tell them you're vegetarian so you don't have to explain and have them try to convince you how great it is.
Those guys have been on the scam radar with the local news around here. Ripping off little old ladies and other such BS.
The one time we did it,it was over $200 and the meat was terrible! Even the burgers and bscb! IIRC,there was some sort of chopped mystery meat that we REALLY didn't want. The guy said he'd come back the next week and swap them out for a better real steak. 4 weeks later,I happened on him while he was hurrying out of the neighborhood. I blocked him in and told him that I wanted the steaks I was promised. He,of course,was out of them! Imagine that.
So anytime I saw a neighbor talking to him,I'd go over and cuss him out! AND added that if he didn't like it,it was in his power to fix! He stopped coming around soon after!
Yea once was enough for us also. Now when they come a knockin I just unleash the hounds:cool:

We had a guy who's meat truck broke down in front of our house. I went out to see if I could help. I brought some tools out and he went to work...long story short, he gave me a box of bacon-wrapped filets! I thought, "wow, what a great deal!", until I tried them. They must have found the cow in the Petrified Forest....

