Just picked up a 16 lb. packer

Thanks all. Kevin, I'd like your opinion about freezing a/the brisket after vacuum sealing (FoodSaver). I've had great results with pulled pork with little if any change in texture or flavor (I had lamb bolognese in the freezer for 18 months and it came out great). How do you think the brisket will come out after being frozen for a week? Thanks in advance for your help.
I do all my smoking in bulk and freeze it in vacu-sucked foodsaver bags. Aside from my hair and clothes not smelling like smoke from hovering around the smoker all day, I cannot tell the difference between fresh and reheated-in-the-bag-in-a-pot-of-simmering-water sliced brisket that's been in the freezer for 6 months.

Wife & kids love being able to reach into the freezer and grab a near-instant meal that just needs hot water.
Thanks Rich. I've used it in the past with my pulled pork and the results have been nothing short of great. Just wasn't sure about the brisket. It looks like I'll be smoking it tomorrow morning. Thanks again.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jon K:
2:20 pm, wsm 390 f </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now that's one HIGH HEAT brisket.
I often hit there. I don't pay that much attention. After foiling I've been to 425 on a few occasions.
At the 3:52 mark, I tested for tenderness then foiled the brisket and put it back on the smoker. Checked about 30 minutes later and then about 20 minutes later and had myself a very tender piece of meat. The plan was not to eat it he same day but to slice it and vacuum seal it/refrigerate and then freeze until July 4. As always, thanks all for your advice. From the taste of it, we had a successful cook.
Hi Jon,
I live in Essex County NJ and am having a difficult time finding packers. I was wondering if you could let me know where you purchased? I'd really appreciate it.
Thanks Jon
Always nice to see fellow garden staters smoking brisket. I get mine from livotis Italian market in Aberdeen. 2.99 a lb and they often have them in daily. The head butcher, billy is a good guy and always pulls a good brisket for me.

Restaurant depot has a ton of them if you can get access, and most butchers in nj will have them. You just have to order them several days in adv most times.

