Just leftovers


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I don't like to waste food. Reheated pork steaks and simmered in bbq sauce. The main reason for this post...
I love this potato packets as side dishes. Got the idea from Bob Correll. Thanks for looking.


Packet done.


Just a humble left over dinner.
Tasty bro! Im a big fan of the tub for the steaks...And those foilpacks of goodness(we made em all the time in the scouts when i was a kid)
Leftovers put enough of them together and sometimes you catch something great, better than the first cook.
I am a fan of St. Louis Pork Steaks braised in Homemade BBQ sauce (after searing over direct heat). I really like the looks of the potato packet, too. I may just have to do them myself in the near future.

Thanks for sharing, Tony!

If that's "just" leftovers , you can set a place for me every night , brother! I am also a huge fan of the foil packets for veggies. Nice work , man.

