Just got my WSM...& it's out of round!

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So there I was like a little kid at Christmas putting that baby together and ehat do ya know, but the cooking section is out of round /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif

It is fairly minor...but still it kinda irritates me. Anyway I haven't measured how bad it is and I was able to get it back a little. My question is how much will this affect the operation. My guess is that there is a 1/8" to 3/8" gap about 2-3" long.

I thought about folding up some tinfoil and creating a seal. Any other ideas aside from calling Weber for a new mid-section? BTW, will they take a return if I fire up a test run first to determine the extent of the problem? Thanks all for any information.
Sorry to hear about that...frustrating.

Why don't you just take it back and exchange it?

Or, call Weber. They replaced my middle section when the porcolin cracked around the screw heads. They are very good at cust. service.
Doug, I think mine is a little out of round as well. I believe I've seen Chris post that they will ship out a new section even if you have used your warped one. Do a search and I'm sure you'll find it.

Sometimes I wonder if mine being out of round doesn't screw up my temp control some. I think it contributes to it running hot sometimes. If I were you, I would contact Weber asap and get a new one delivered to you. Kind of silly to have to patch up a brand new smoker with foil. They'll make it right for you. That's probably what I should have done...
In case you haven't already, take a look at Parts Troubleshooting where there are some suggestions on how to fix out of round conditions. Also, make sure to measure both the bowl and middle section so you're sure which one is out of whack.

If you decide to call Weber for a replacement part, they typically don't ask for the bad part back.

By the way, don't feel bad. I just ordered a new WSM that arrived with damaged lid and bowl...Weber sent replacements for both...and the replacement bowl measured 18"x19". Talk about out of round! Second replacement bowl arrived yesterday and is just fine.

when I got mine 4 days ago it too was out of round. After a bit of "why always me" I used the suggestions on this site and was able to adjust enough to be able to rotate the middle section all the way around. I would suggest giving it a shot first and trying to fix it a little at a time...

can always call Weber if it doesn't work.
Thanks all for the feedback. I'm gonna measure per Chris' suggestion on troubleshooting. It is not real severe; parts all fit together and from eyeballing it, the bowl nor the body look warped. I'll fiddle, then contact Weber if need be. And, keep you all posted of course. /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif
Thanks again to everyone for the feedback. The warp was in the Charcoal Bowl. I worked out the round to within about 1/8" (eyeballin' with the cokking chamber attached) as suggested by Chris on the troubleshooting page. If there are problems after two or three smokes (I recall someone saying WSM run hot the first time out) then I'll call Weber. Thanks for the suggestions.

You'd think that Weber would do some cost analysis regarding extra packing foam vs. sending out replacement parts. Just my opinion.
If I were you, I would go ahead and ask for a new one. Easy temperature control is the single biggest reason to have a WSM in the first place. Mine is just a bit off, and it makes a big difference in temp control. I put strips of foil on the lip of the charcoal section before putting the cooking section on it, which solves the problem completely, but you shouldn't have to. When you get a good seal, you won't believe how easy it is to use this thing.

By the way, like a lot of people here, I recommend sand covered with foil instead of water in the pan. Cleanup is a snap and you don't have to top up the pan during cooking. Jim Bob
/infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif I called Weber and told them that the Charcoal Bowl was warped and had scratches and chips. Got a little worried when the 1st thing the guy said was "Well did you call Amazon?" Since he sounded about 19 (nothin' against 19 year olds -- we were all there once) I remained calm and said "No." I think he may have thought I was trying to pull one over on him. But then he saw on his computer that I had registered my Weber Kettle 2 years ago and must have realized I was legit. Anyway, new charcoal bowl on the way. Thanks guys!

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