Judging amount of water and wood


Jimmy D

New member
I realize this is going to sound like an incredibly dumb question, but I'll ask it anyway: What's the best way to determine if more water or wood is needed in the smoker? I have mine going for the first time and as I check from either the top or the access door, there's so much smoke that it's nearly impossible to see anything. Any tips? I appreciate it.
If there's too much smoke to see anything, than that's an issue in itself.

After dumping lit on the unlit, I like to wait until the charcoal smoke "cleans up" before putting the meat on, and how long that takes just depends on the charcoal you're dumping lit on, and how much lit.

If cooking pork butts or brisket, I'll have some wood buried, but anyhow, after putting the meat on, I'll then add two or three chunks of wood. The water pan holds out in both of my cookers all night long, and smoke should be gone or nearly invisible by the time that the water pan gets low.
Thanks Dave.

Looks like I was a little inpatient as things calmed down quite a bit an hour or so after putting the wood on. Much easier to see the water level now.

