Jack Daniels Wood Chips


Darin Hearn

I was at Super Walmart a few days ago and I saw they had a bag of Jack Daniels Wood chips. I have heard of the Jack Daniels smoking pellets but this was the first time I have seen Jack Daniels wood chips. I think I am going to pick up a bag. It says on the bag that it gives meat a sweet flavor. Sounds good with ribs or butts. Has any one used this before? Does it give the meat a good flavor?
I never tried the chips, but if they are like the pellets, you should be happy with the results. The smoke smell is great also.
Did you happen to see any of the pellets at your Wallmart?
Let us know how you like them!
I just put some in water to soak. Going to indirect grill some thick chops tonite. Yes, I've used them before and I think it adds a nice flavor. I don't think you'll get an awful lot of smoke flavor from anything that's cooking less than an hour. Especially when using chips. Even when soaked, I have never produced smoke for more than maybe 1/2 hour with chips. But, for a grilled type meat I dont want much smoke. Sounds like pellets may give a longer period of smoke than chips ?

I have used the Jack Daniels Chips from Meijer`s Store. I thought it did a good job as far as chips go. Chips seem to burn up to fast for my taste.
If you ever gotten really sick drunk and puked yer guts out from JD ...
The don't open the bag.
They're made from the Oak barrels and it wreaks of JD. LOL

You don't taste the JD in the product you're smoking (at least I didn't), just the oak of the wood. I've used them, but there's nothing special that I would buy them over any other oak chip.
Where the chips in the Seasonal section? or wee they somewhere else in the store? I was at a Super WalMart today and didn't see anything like this in the Outdoor section.

Acouple of years ago I got some JD chunks. They were great. You can't find them now, they just sell the pellets. I went to the distillery and still couldn't get chunks, Just chips and pellets.

