It's not Q and its not grilling's good


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Carne asada Tacos and chicken tacos on my hump comal. Add a little oil and browned it to perfection. The chicken was grilled on my smokey joe. I put some onion and jalepenos and heated my little tortillas on the comal. I forgot to take a pic of the food plated. The meat is a collection of all sorts of cuts. My local meat market sells it chopped and mixed. I only seasoned with garlic salt and pepper. Thank for looking.



Those look great! Nice cooker too. I always thought that comal meant an oblong CI pan, but that one looks very useful.

It looks like a paella pan with a hump in the middle.
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That's awesome! My mom has a homemade flat comal, cast iron that she has used probably since she was a teenager to make and/or warm tortillas.

