It's 6:30 am the party's at 3:00 but the meat is at 185. Can I hold that long?


Tom Raveret

Cooking four shoulders on the 22.5 for a party at 3:00 today. Its 6:30 am now. The meat probe reads 185 on my cyber-q. The pit temp is at 239 and without adding charcoal I figure I have 3 hours fuel left. The 4 butts went on at 7 last night. What would my best strategy be to finish the cook?

I figure I have at least another couple of hours in the WSM and will check hourly but how should I hold for 6 hours?

Is that too long for them to be in a wrapped cooler? My oven has settings all the way down to 165 if wrapping them and holding them there would be beneficial I'd consider that.

Only two of the roasts are for the party so I could pull them early if I needed to.
If it were 4 hours, I'd do the cooler, but with 6 double wrap them and set your oven on the 165, then transfer to the cooler about an hour before pulling
Tom, I've held pork in coolers over 6 hours and they were pipin' hot when I pulled it.
Just foil and cover with bath towels or the like.
Hope the weather clears in time for your party!
I've foil towel coolered pork for 6 hours too and was still hot and yummy so you shouldn't have a problem. But I want to see pics, pics, pics please. I like pics:cool:;)
Is there any drawback to using the oven at 165 for part of the holding time?

For the time being I put them in the oven and was thinking of transferring them to a preheated cheap igloo plastic cooler in a couple of hours. My consideration is if they have been in the oven for a couple of hours at 165 and I put them in the cooler they don't have that far to drop to the danger zone from a food safety perspective.

The other variable is 2 of the butts aren't for the party so I could pull them sooner.

Sorry Nate I wrapped them already. Not too worried about the weather but it has been misting fog all morning. Confident it will clear for the two turkeys I'm doing on my pair of rotisserie later.

Again, thanks for all the input and ideas.
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