It arrived!!!!!


Mike Tag

TVWBB Member
The bullett arrived today while I was sleeping! A full week ahead of when I expected it. Today, is assembly day. Next weekend I will do my first smoke, which I plan on being a brisket. Am looking forward to increasing my barbeque reportoire.

In a few weeks I will give ribs and pork butts a go. Pork butts are definitely not as big in Texas as they are in (what I consider) the true South. Texans prefer a ketchup based bbq sauce and briske,links,chicken. In the South they prefer pulled pork and vinegar based sauce. I personally prefer vinegar based sauces so am looking forward to doing some butts in the future.

Am pretty excited right now.
Wow, Mike you are definitely jumping in with both feet doing a brisket for your first cook. Nothing wrong with that at all. But.........I'd recommend for your first cook doing a butt, as they are much more forgiving than a brisket. This way you can become familiar with the cooker without taking a chance with dinner. Whatever you decide to do, good luck and let us know how it turns out!

I arrived in Florida to find my WSM waiting for me. Terribly excited I assembled same and decided to go with ribs. Long story short it was a complete, total, unmitigated disaster!!!! Could not get temps down.

Learned a great deal, or at least I think I did. Next cook will be a butt as apparently it is a pretty forgiving cut.

So, good luck to both of us!
The reason not to worry about doing a brisket first is that even after you do several cooks, you could do a brisket and it not turn out well. I don't think brisket is difficult in terms of fire control, but getting one to come off moist and tender is difficult. I guess what I'm saying is that you have to experiment a lot so why not get started with your first brisket! Good luck.
I am going to try to do the Minion Method on the brisket. I have done plenty of briskets on my old New Braunfels smoker but that kind of walked off from Olsen Field down in College Station a couple of summers ago. If I mess up the brisket then it will just be a learning experience. BTW, I just assembled the WSB. Only thing I am worried about next weekend is temperature control.
Feh! I did a brisket for my first cook and it was fantastico! Sounds like yer plenty experienced to pull it off. But why not throw on something else with it? Might as well use the extra space to cook up some pork butts at the same time...!
Mike, Give your adjustments at the vents plenty of time to show up before you make another one. If you don't, you'll be chasing temps around for a while. Have fun.
If you do Minion Method and start closing the bottom vents (some folks close all three 50% or more and some folks close two vents 100% and control temps with the third one) when your temps are approaching 200°, you will be in control of the temps.

Control temps on the way up...Easy
Control temps on the way down ...Difficult
Hey Al, I am the latter of the 2 there. I like to cook 2 vents completely shut and then just adjust from there, makes more sense to me that way. The most I have ever had to go is one vent fully open while Qin'.

Big Al
Mike, kust ask for help here or look at past threads. I never messed a briskit up much expert advise from this board. BTW, thanks to all who always help me out!!!

