Is the Pulled Pork Ruined? Can I salvage it?

I had this happen to me one time on the WSM after indulging in too many adult beverages. I posted on the forum for advice, went ahead and brought it back up to temp, and ironically enough, it was one of my best pork shoulders I can remember.
lol you guys saying ditch it are ninnies, what possible cross contamination would this food pick up IN THE OVEN? just because it dipped below 140 for an hour or two doesn't mean it's not safe.

If it spent any appreciable time above 140 it's pasteurized. 30 minutes at 145 kills all your baddies. So, heat it back up and finish the cook. It will be fine.
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lol you guys saying ditch it are ninnies, what possible cross contamination would this food pick up IN THE OVEN? just because it dipped below 140 for an hour or two doesn't mean it's not safe.

If it spent any appreciable time above 140 it's pasteurized. 30 minutes at 145 kills all your baddies. So, heat it back up and finish the cook. It will be fine.

I'm with you. Sometimes I find something in the fridge I forgot about that passed the expiration date a long time ago and as long as it looks/smells good I consume it and as you can tell from this post I'm still kicking.

