Rob (Sooner Rob)
New member
Hey all,
3 week old WSM22 noob here.
I am having a possible issue with the built-in lid thermometer in my new smoker...
My very first cook I smoked a brisket...I had a new maverick wireless monitoring the lower shelf where my brisket was... I noticed in the first few hours of the cook that my Maverick was running about 20 degrees cooler than my lid temp.. .I browsed the forum here a bit and found that this is completely normal.. perfect i thought..
However.. about 6 to 7 hours in I notice my Maverick rising and my lid temp staying still, the maverick climbed all the way to 265 (i thought from hot fat in the water? maybe) because my lid temp said 225. i finished this cook wondering which piece of equipment might be faulty...
second and third cook since: I have the maverick on the top shelf this time, where i have my ribs, and another wireless thermo stuck in the top vent hole to try to get a reading on the same area that the lid thermo is reading... the maverick will read 225, the other wireless in the lid vent will read 228.. and the WSM lid thermo, 200.
Our outside temps here are in the 30s and 40s... but that still doesnt explain why my built-in lid will be 20degress cooler than another probe stuck in the lid vent does it?
my last cook was 4 hours... both wireless thermos agreeing with each other within a few degrees and the lid temp reading 20 degrees lower the entire cook.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
Rob J
3 week old WSM22 noob here.
I am having a possible issue with the built-in lid thermometer in my new smoker...
My very first cook I smoked a brisket...I had a new maverick wireless monitoring the lower shelf where my brisket was... I noticed in the first few hours of the cook that my Maverick was running about 20 degrees cooler than my lid temp.. .I browsed the forum here a bit and found that this is completely normal.. perfect i thought..
However.. about 6 to 7 hours in I notice my Maverick rising and my lid temp staying still, the maverick climbed all the way to 265 (i thought from hot fat in the water? maybe) because my lid temp said 225. i finished this cook wondering which piece of equipment might be faulty...
second and third cook since: I have the maverick on the top shelf this time, where i have my ribs, and another wireless thermo stuck in the top vent hole to try to get a reading on the same area that the lid thermo is reading... the maverick will read 225, the other wireless in the lid vent will read 228.. and the WSM lid thermo, 200.
Our outside temps here are in the 30s and 40s... but that still doesnt explain why my built-in lid will be 20degress cooler than another probe stuck in the lid vent does it?
my last cook was 4 hours... both wireless thermos agreeing with each other within a few degrees and the lid temp reading 20 degrees lower the entire cook.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
Rob J