Is it worth $60?

Yes it’s worth $60 if you want a performer.
A few weeks back I flipped a used performer for $175 in NCF.

Go look at it and offer $40.
I would say yes. Offer him $50 and buy yourself a nice stainless top grate that will last forever. It doesn't matter if the bottom grate has some rust as long as it's structurally sound.
It's worth $60.

That digital timer that sits on the starter flap is a piece of junk anyways. I've literally never used mine. It's just a basic timer, nothing else. Much easier to just use a timer app on your phone.

The bottom storage rack is a little rusty, but that's easy to clean up and spray paint a fresh coat.

If that was $60 near me, I'd already be in the car to pick it up.
As Kyle said if it was near me it would be loaded and on the way to the house for a teardown and clean up and some detail painting. But I have never seen a performer for that price near me.

