Internal temperature of Brisket

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Could you please tell me what the best internal temperature for Brisket is.

Danny Gaulden, of the legendery Dairy Queen out at Carlsbad, NM, was questioned once about what temp he took his briskets to. Since he tells by look and feel, he obliged by taking a thermometer to a sampling of briskets that he chose as "done" by his own non-thermometer-testing methodology.

He reported that his were usually right at 188. Thus, that's what I aim for if I'm checking temps. I figure I could do worse than emulating Danny.

Answer, therefore, in my opinion - 188 to 190. That gets a slice-able brisket that holds together, but just barely. Much further into the 190's, and you'll get a great choppable beef, but the slices won't hold together worth tiddly. Again, just my own humble opinion... and if I'm cookin', that's what counts! /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif I DO also check to make sure that a probe will go through the meat with no resistance, as well, just to be safe. Sometimes that happens BEFORE the 188-190 range is reached, but not very often. Depends on the particular brisket. Ornery varmints have a mind of their own...

Keri C
Smokin on Tulsa Time
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