Intact onion slice grilling technique


T MacGreggor

This has probably been brought up here before, but just in case - after being frustrated a few times trying to grill onion slices for burgers and having them fall apart, I thought someone has to have come up with an easier way to do this. A quick youtube search found this very effective and simple method:

And a buck will get you six stainless steel pins from Bed, Bath & Beyond that are perfect for the job:
I've been using toothpicks for years, but I cut the thick slices before inserting them, one from each side. I still have those turkey lacers somewhre (I'm amazed that they are still selling them) and never thought of using them. They would be much easier to insert than toothpicks since they are thinner and smoother. My goodness, they even have not changed the design of the packaging and it must be 40 years that I've had mine. Thanks for the heads-up!

I've been a toothpick guy for years. Never thought to use a skewer. Thanks for the heads up!
And we have about a dozen 20% off coupons from Bed Bath And Beyond lying around here. I think I know where one of them is gonna get used!
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Thanks for sharing that video, T. Like Phil mentioned, I have been fiddling with toothpicks, with middling results.
Errr, Phil. Let me know how you make out using a 20% off coupon at Bed, Bath and Beyond on a $1.29 item. :D

Rita,I was serious when I said we have about a dozen coupons! We never go there without at LEAST 6 in hand. Or pocket! :D I'm all about saving a penny or 3 where I can!
I have been doing this for years and if the onions are small, I use toothpicks (less cleanup later).

And I also use the coupons - even older outdated ones. They still accept the out dated coupons.

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Phil and Ray, I have dozens of those coupons in my purse. They seem to show up in several publications that come in the mail. I often hand one to the person behind me in line if he/she doesn't have one, especially if it looks as if they have something expensive. It's fun. I saved someone about $40 a few weeks ago. I don't get to the BBB store as often as I'd like, but maybe that's a good thing.

I thought they had a minimum purchase requirement for the coupons but I just checked a 20%-Off coupon and they do not. It might be on their 5$ off coupon.

That's right. They do come out with a $5 off a $15 purchase every now and then. We try to only spend the $15 when we use those!
Ha, ha, Phil. If you luck out, you'll get a cashier who will apply the $5 coupon to something slightly less than $15. We have 2 BBBs fairly near home but one has employees that are a joy to work with and keep you coming back to that particular store. They must have an incredible, savvy manager.

I'm going to get out my antique Turkey Lacers tomorrow and make extra onions to keep in the refrigerator for other uses.

Thanks, T McGregor, for brining those to our attention!

T MacGreggor;
Thanks for the information. Today, we went to BB&B and picked up several packages of the skewers. I am going to gift my oldest son and son-in-law with a pack each. That's how impressed I am with the idea.

P.S. They will be perfect for making Asparagus Planks, too!

Keep on smokin',
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BTW - when I use toothpicks, I use the stronger "round" ones - not the small flat toothpicks. I also do not try to insert them all the way thru the onion. I usually use 3 toothpicks per slice and insert then only to the middle of the onion.

I use the wooden skewer method but up to this point cut the slices first.... Will try skewer then cut next time

Really glad some folks liked the idea so much. I haven't used toothpicks before, but the way the non-pointy end of the turkey lacers is bent 90 degrees I bet they're a lot easier to insert. Reusable stainless steel should last forever too.

And I am so stealing that asparagus plank idea, Robert! That's one of my favorite grilled veggies, but also one of the most frustrating ones to put right on the grill. Of course you can do them in a grill basket, but then you miss out on those awesome grill marks. So a nice plank you just have to flip once sounds ideal.

I bought a few extra packs of lacers as gifts as well. Gave one set to my father on a BBQ-themed Father's Day along with some other grilling accessories. I told him before he opened this last gift that he'd wonder what in the world is he going to do with it until I did a demo. Once I showed him his eyes lit up and he said he was going to pay it forward and gift a few packs as well.
And I am so stealing that asparagus plank idea, Robert! That's one of my favorite grilled veggies, but also one of the most frustrating ones to put right on the grill. Of course you can do them in a grill basket, but then you miss out on those awesome grill marks. So a nice plank you just have to flip once sounds ideal.

Me, too. Super idea. Have used the wooden skewers before on the onions but agree the poultry lacers would be much easier to insert, don't need soaking and they don't burn. Great idea, T. MacG.

