Informal Survey. Who prefers a Vinegar base sauce on their pulled pork?

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I've only tried with the Vinegar based sauce and without any sauce at all, Like the vinny based.

Rath *a sauce man*
I've tried many different kinds, and I can't say I don't think my geographic position has contributed to this, but I LOVE vinegar and vinegar based sauces. Growing up on the coast of NC you don't have a whole lot of other selection. But I have tried many since moving a little more inland and producing my own Q, and vinegar still wins out every time.
vinegar based, Piedmont style which, I believe has a little tomatoe sauce blended in but is still a thin, red sauce.

Would you happen to have a recipe for this sauce? It sounds mighty tasty.

Rath*loves to try new things*
While new to doin' my own Q (and sauce), I found that the sauce is the biggest differentiation (I don't believe I typed that) from region-to-region, shop-to-shop, pit-to-pit. The sauces are what make it fun to try different places and lets face it, we are all here for the good eats first and foremost.

Now to show my naivete...please clarify vinegar based. Vinegar appears to be in nearly every sauce I have seen tho not always in large quantity. Seems I saw somewhere that the two dominant styles of sauce are tomato based and vinegar based - (correct?) but even the tomato based usually have some amount of vinegar which if I am not mistaken is a preservative just about as much as it is a seasoning. apologies...starting to ramble.
I have to go with tomato base on my pulled pork. Tried a home made vinegar base once and didn't care for it. Maybe a different recipe would change my mind.
Count me in on the vinegar based sauce...those NC and GA boys got it goin!

Keith ( heres a link to a page at '' that has recipes for regional sauces from all over the U.S., including NC style (in which there are many variations depending on which part of NC) vinegar based sauces. Naturally, you'll find recipes for Memphis and KC style tomatoe based sauces as well.
Vinegar sauces may or may not contain tomatoe paste or ketchup. Some do not and contain mustard instead. Usually kethcup or tomatoe paste can be substituted for the mustard depending on personal preference...or you may even like both...hey...its not rocket surgery.

Heres the link:


I love the sweet baby ray's sauce. I think that is tomato based...but my cousin, a pro bbq'er, says if you have a smoker it is mandatory to come up with your own sauce as the BBQ truly becomes yours at that point. He is sending me some reciepes to try...will post them when I get them!!

Off to Sarstoga Springs NY today to watch the horses run. Wish me good luck!!
Sorry guys - tomato based. I am now enjoying Iron Works out of TX.

We gave the Bone Sucking Sauce it's fair share here, but it was not popular at my house.

Everybody has their own flavors.

~ Sean

Thanks to Tony for providing the site. Look under Western NC and you'll see one that has 2 cups of vinegar and 2/3 cup of ketsup.

Sometime back I remember a post that referenced a site that had lots of recipes for regional BBQ sauces from all areas of the country and different states etc. It really was very interesting but I haven't been able to find it if it still exists. Seems like Konrad Haskins may have posted on it - he's one of the BIG BOYS, but haven't heard from him lately.

I must confess I acually purchase mine from a small operation in Greenwood, SC, it's called "Stumps". They don't even have a website but can be contacted by e-mail. You have to buy a case, I think. I'm in Greenwood from time to time so I buy it there.

Good luck with your cooking.

Generally, I'm with Paul G. Thin red sauce.

But, as with most things, I need a little variety. So I continue to experiment with different sauces, including tomato-based sauces.

And thanks for the link to allrecipes -- I'll be checking that out for my next smoke!
No doubt about it....vinegar based on mine only...except I like mine a little sweet.
I'm getting ready to bottle this version, working with a company that does that.

Tomato's are poisonous!
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