Individual Beef Ribs


Brian B.

My neighbor just handed me some individually cut beef ribs, but I've never cooked them this way before. Do I still cook them for 6-7 hours or will that shorten the cooking time?

Thank you

Being that more of the meat is exposed, the cooking time will be reduced. I would think try the 3-2-1 method and I bet you are on the money (cooking at about 250-275.

I wouldn't go below 250 at the grate. Good luck, post a pic when they are done!
Thanks for the input, I'm going to try individual beef ribs sometime but not right now.

So I opened up the package of "beef ribs" which were somewhat still frozen together. As I pulled them apart and set them down I thought:

"hmmm...shouldn't beef ribs have bones?" and then
"why would a beef rib be marbled and cut like a steak?" and finally.
"I may not be the smartest man alive but I know a strip steak when I see one"

I took them back over and told him congrats, you're having strips tonight! I still don't have the complete story as to why they thought they had beef ribs.

My pork ribs OTOH were excellent that night.

