In Search Of Left Trim Piece for Silver B/C


Dave in KC

TVWBB Wizard
Anyone have one of these sitting around collecting dust?


I was doing a tear down on a Silver C, and broke one when trying
to remove it. I then promptly broke the one on my donor grill. &#%@$*%!!!
More than happy to pay shipping and for your time and trouble.
Much obliged if anyone can help me out here.
I might have one as well. Lots of PB blaster and care is required to get those things out some times. It is almost like they are made of steel and rust right into the frame. If Jon cannot find one, PM me and I will trudge out to the shed and see what I can see.
It is almost like they are made of steel and rust right into the frame.

No kidding. I had it soaked in PB for 2 days with no luck. Snapped it off right at the end.
I finally had to take a torch and melt what was left inside. I have never had the much
trouble with one before. Hopefully one of you can come up with one.

Here is what I have. Not perfect (or clean:eek:!). It has been sitting unrestored in my Weber "graveyard" shed. I would be happy to share with you, just pay the shipping.


WOW, thanks Jon, now I don't have to traipse out to my shed and dig around for one. :)
Jon, just to make sure, does it have the hole that holds the rod for the shelf?


No worries on old and faded as that is what's needed to match the other side.
I too am in need of a left trim piece as identified in thread above. If you have one, please PM me, I'd like to buy it.

