Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery


Greg Y

Have you guys noticed that other brands are starting to copy the new look of the Weber Genesis series? I see the Kenmore Elites and some of the Brinkmanns have adopted the chrome bands w/ simulated rivets look for the hoods of their grills.
The sad part is some people will buy the Brinkmanns and Kenmores thinking they will cook and last as good as the Genesis. Cry once and never look back I say.
The sad part is some people will buy the Brinkmanns and Kenmores thinking they will cook and last as good as the Genesis. Cry once and never look back I say.

I love it when people come over and look at my 1993 Weber Genesis 1000 and say “I’ve never seen a grill like that in the stores” The look on their faces is priceless when I say, “That’s what they looked like when it was built twenty years ago”. It’s amazing how many say “I thought grills only lasted a couple of years.” Tells it all.
I love it when people come over and look at my 1993 Weber Genesis 1000 and say “I’ve never seen a grill like that in the stores” The look on their faces is priceless when I say, “That’s what they looked like when it was built twenty years ago”. It’s amazing how many say “I thought grills only lasted a couple of years.” Tells it all.

Preach on, brother Rich! We need to spread the word to all the sinners so that they too may own an "everlasting" grill. Can I get an Amen?
My Genesis Gold D is at least 11 years old and trouble free. A suicidal squirrel once chewed through the
regulator rubber gas line. I called to order a new one but they gave it to me no charge. Try that at Sears.
I was talking to my neighbor yesterday. He was saying that he hasn't grilled in a long time because he needs to order parts for his Brinkman gasser. I told him to save his money and buy a Weber. He said he did not want to pay that high price for them. I didn't feel like debating with him. I felt like saying take all the money you spend on fixing or replacing your grills and invest in a Weber. You will save money in the long run. I have had my Genesis Silver B for over 10 years and use it almost everyday. I am on my third set of flavorizer bars and second set of casters. Everything else is original.
Lift the lid and kick the tires...appearance isn't everything. Anyone that is considering a serious grill purchase, all they would have to do is lift the heavy lid on a Weber and then lift the flimsy weak lid on any other brand. If you know anything you know that the heavy lid will retain heat much better and longer then the flimsy lids.
I saw that last week in a yard sale.... I go back to look at it take a few steps then realize it was not a weber. Go back in my car. It looked fairly new.

