I'm not happy!!!!!

could it be in the paint? :rolleyes:
I've never seen that before...

I've been banking coals on the same side for 6 years with no chipping issues. My know nothing opinion is that it has nothing to do with coal placement, just a bad paint job
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I think the banking of hot coals will cause expansion and contraction of the metal. Porcelain cannot stand much movement. I bank for LNS but not for really hot fires. I like the advantage of using fire brick and banking coals so I am willing to take the chance. I know Weber will not warranty my kettle because I have drilled the lid and the bowl.
Had the same thing happen on a green Smokey Joe at first use. One layer of coal spread evenly on the grate so not excessively hot. Sent Weber girl a pic while on the phone, she looked at it, put me on hold a minute and came back to say new bowl on the way. Gotta love that service. Hope this isn't a trend with colored bowls. Really want a Red Performer and a Blue OTG and I want to do pizza on them...

