ideas for ground beef......


Becky M-M

other than the usual burger.... which i have no qualms with. i actually made some beef/veal burgers the other night that were awesome. just wondering what else i can do with ground beef.... on the grill of course.

moink balls.... done. actually going to make some tonight. we love them, but again, just looking for other options.
Meatloaf. We haven't had one from the oven since doing it for the first time on the grill a few years ago. It's awesome!
didnt think of that. i made a meatloaf once years ago (in the oven). i had a nice, hard, rock-like molded piece of ground beef.

any suggestions for one..... im all for trying to smoke it outside.
Not sure. Leigh-Ann usually mixes it up and, I think, each time it's a new recipe she finds on Pinterest or online. I don't think she has a go-to recipe.

Chris has on in the cooking topics. It's for a WSM but we usually use the kettle. Also, careful with the smoke. It can overpower ground meat. I don't usually add any. The charcoal is enough for us.
thanks for all the suggestions. i guess i should have specified that i wanted different things to make on the grill.... but now that i type that out i realize i can make the pie and stuff on the grill as well.

