I want to publish a cook book

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Matt Goin

TVWBB Super Fan

I'll run ths past you. I think it would be a terrific idea if we published a weber cookbook. Or a smokers cookook.

I can always change my name to "Author".

We all have ideas and we love to share them.

I think it would pretty cook if we could refer questions back to a publication that we were all part of. Kinda like giving porps to minoin with the method. we woud say .. refer to pg21 section 3 of the "smokers carton". All cigs come in a carton so, our books can too!!!

Let me know boys.

By the way we could sell it on the site and offset the cost of the bandwidth
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by matt goin:
[qb] Guys, I'll run ths past you...
... Let me know boys.[/qb] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>[Waiting for responses from Keri, Gal, Jane, Kelly, et al.]
I think this certainly is a fine idea, especially when an effort such as this would benefit the support of this board. There is a great deal of hard work, time and consolidated efforts to put something like this together. Although all of us live all over, there needs to be a 'base camp' so to speak and someone to oversee the endeavor.

In that many of us here are more knowledgeable and seasoned chefs than some of the more famous celebrities, many here have dedicated themselves to the fine art of smoking and grilling. I think there are a lot of people who can benefit from our knowledge and expertise on this subject.

I know that I would not have gotten what I needed to produce such fine results with my WSM if it wasn't for this board, and everyone who has helped me. We all have great gifts to offer, and I also think that some sort of a yearly reunion for the members of this board would also be fun. These are some ideas and goals that maybe we can work towards, because when you get together as a group with the same common interests, not only is it a blast, but you learn so much.
I'm here -- I've been in "lurk" mode for awhile, still checking in though. Last I checked, I'm not a boy.... /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

Ehem... MIIIIIIIII MI MI MI MIIIIIIIII /infopop/emoticons/icon_redface.gif

Yep - just as I thought. I still sing soprano.

I like the idea of the book as well, by the way. I would volunteer to consolidate and organize recipes and methods in a Mastercook database that could be eventually exported in a book format for further processing into paper, if a TVWB cookbook happens. Other sites and lists have done this with great success - "Bakery Shoppe Memories" is the first to spring to mind, built by the recipe contributions of members of the Bakery Shoppe@yahoogroups.com e-mail list.

Chris, what do you think about a TVWB cookbook?

Let me know if I could be of help by being the keeper of the preliminary cookbook database.

Keri C
Smokin on Tulsa Time
Over the years, I've had several people tell me that I should write a book about the WSM or a cookbook. I've always been hesitant for several reasons. First, this Web site is built around the idea of giving away information for free, and then having people make voluntary contributions if they choose. I could never figure out why someone would want to buy a book about how to use the WSM when all the info is already provided for free on the site and can be printed out at home.

As far as a cookbook goes, I don't feel that I have enough expertise to write a book of recipes. The stuff I write about on the Web site are sort of recipes, but mainly they're my experiences with cooking certain foods. And they're available for free, too.

What I do like is the idea of having members of the forums community collaborate on a cookbook, sort of a "Recipes from the Members of TVWBB". Perhaps we could collect a bunch of recipes, organize them into categories, and publish them as a downloadable PDF file that people could view online or print at home. I'm not familiar with Mastercook, but I'm sure there are plenty of tools to organize recipes that would interface with Adobe Acrobat to produce a PDF.

I would propose that a portion of the proceeds go to help support the site, and a portion go to a worthwhile food-related charity, like Second Harvest Food Bank or Kooker's Kare, the barbecue food charity in Kansas City. That way, we help ourselves, and we help others in the process.

Download of the PDF could be tied to a PayPal contribution of a fixed amount or cash/check/money order sent to TVWB.

You got a big heart. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif I believe thats the main reason that this site is such a hit. It comes from the heart. Your idea sounds like the way to go. I'm in. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

This is not exactly the same issue as what you referred to, but it is somewhat similiar. Keep in mind that I am not on the same technology level as yourself or many of your participants. Also I am not a heavy user of the forum. However I greatly appreciate the information that is available here. Having an 'M" series WSM, I've smoked for at least 10 years, but probably learned more about the technique in the last 6 mo. than in all the previous years.

While I hope that you and tvwb will go on forever and we'll all have this site available to us, circumstances do change. Maybe all of this information is saved in the "archies" somewhere on the internet, but I would guess it would be difficult to retrieve for the novice. Would it be feasible to publish an annual CD which could then be collected as part of a tvwb library ? I suspect the partipants in the site would be glad to purchase this if it were available.

I suppose the question I'm trying to ask is if there is some way all of this information could be stored in a reasonable off line format so that it could be used if for some reason the site were not to continue?

Thanks, PRG
Hi Paul,

To date, there is no archiving on this discussion forum, so everything is live and searchable using the link at the top of the page. At some point we may create an archive, but the bulletin board software supports that capability and the content of the archive would still be searchable.

As far as the other Web site content goes (the stuff I write and publish), I only add to it or update it, I don't delete or archive anything.

I'll take into consideration an annual CD. In the meantime, if TVWB goes "out of business", I'll be sure to send you a copy of the site! /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

I could author the chapter entitled "Don't Let This Happen to You" /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
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