I don't know who did it first...



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
...or who did it last. But whoever has done the grilled hearts of Romaine for a caesar salad has my vote for President. I did it for the first time tonight. High heat, cut side down (w/ a little EVOO) for about two minutes. Just enough to char it. AWESOME! Try it. You'll love it.
you-who, Jim, i've grilled romaine lettuce for years and years... well before the cookin' channel or the food channel or rachael broadcasted it...
butt that's ok.
now you know it's good and not crazy.
First time I saw it was here. Don't know if it was you, D. Cash or someone else. But I'm glad I saw it...and tried it. It's great. Incredible flavor.

Definitely not crazy. But crazy good.
Does that mean that Lampe is going to be our president???
Originally posted by S Mitchell:
Does that mean that Lampe is going to be our president???

If he does, I hope he does it on the charcoal platform promising two grills on every back porch!
listen DUDES!
i ain't no president of ANYTHING!
You all been drinkin' too much an' lost all your faculities or whatever they're'll called.

ya'know, it's ONLY lettuce, for pete's sake!
I have seen Jim do this before. But never tryed it. Its on my to do list,is the romane as good as bok choy to grill?

And shame on me i havent even tryed the smoked cabbage that i have seen on here a few times.
Originally posted by Jim Lampe:
listen DUDES!
i ain't no president of ANYTHING!
You all been drinkin' too much an' lost all your faculities or whatever they're'll called.

ya'know, it's ONLY lettuce, for pete's sake!

"Yeah what's wrong with the beer we got??? It drinks pretty good don't it!?"
Some mayor in the south said that when they were trying to get new beers that had higher alcohol content than Budweiser. Might have been Alabama...Amazing sound clip!
Guy Fieri had a recipe in a Rachel Ray magazine that listed a grilled hearts of romaine with bacon and bleu cheese. It is fantastic and has become a favorite in the house.

Here is the recipe.

