I'm excited about todays Craigslist score. Ad was for a Weber Performer with propane ignition and charcoal chimney for $50, no picture. As soon as I saw the ad, I called and the earliest he could meet me was this morning. I eagerly made the hour and 15 minute drive wondering just exactly what I was going to bring home.
When I got to his house, I saw the lime green goodness in the driveway and I got excited! As soon as I walked up, he explained that it had a few chips in the lid and while he was moving it to the front one of the nuts for the lid bail fell off and that he only wants $20 for everything. I had the $20 out so fast and put the Performer into the back of the wife's minivan and headed home just in time for church. Hallelujah!
One charcoal basket is missing, the other is rusted thin on the bottom. The Weber Rapidfire chimney starter is bent out of shape and the grill's lid does have many chips around the edge (probably from using the lid holder without one plastic "spool" and nut) and some rust around where the handle mounts but everything else in is great shape.
Here are some pics of it as I got it. Hopefully, I will be adding some "after" pictures once I get it cleaned up.

When I got to his house, I saw the lime green goodness in the driveway and I got excited! As soon as I walked up, he explained that it had a few chips in the lid and while he was moving it to the front one of the nuts for the lid bail fell off and that he only wants $20 for everything. I had the $20 out so fast and put the Performer into the back of the wife's minivan and headed home just in time for church. Hallelujah!
One charcoal basket is missing, the other is rusted thin on the bottom. The Weber Rapidfire chimney starter is bent out of shape and the grill's lid does have many chips around the edge (probably from using the lid holder without one plastic "spool" and nut) and some rust around where the handle mounts but everything else in is great shape.
Here are some pics of it as I got it. Hopefully, I will be adding some "after" pictures once I get it cleaned up.