<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Timothy Hoffman:
Wow, I am spiraling deeper into the Twilight Zone now. I never got a call back after sending the email so I called them. A very nice gentleman took my call. I explained everything to him and he looked at the photos. The first thing he asked was why did they send me black when I have a brick red grill. He told me they have brick red in stock and he was sending me a replacement bowl in that color. If it does indeed come guess what Kevin is getting? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Well it must be Christmas somewhere, so they do not have RED in stock but they Have BRICK RED. Who would have figured a slip of the tongue would get you a black set.
You go Tim stay on them.
P.S. Tim I saw that great buy you made on that smokey Joe, I never can find those that cheap or as half as nice as that one, I would love to try and make one of those mini smokers out of one.