Howdy from Baltimore!


Chris Todd

New member
Just got my first WSM on Friday, seasoned it Friday night and Saturday, and am trying to smoke my first brisket. Looking forward to learning the fine arts of smoking on a WSM from you all.

Hi Chris! Welcome to the backyard! :wsm:
No need to season your cooker, it'll take care of itself in no time.
Lots of friendly knowledgeable folks here to help you out, answer any question and steer you in the right direction.
Hope your stay with us is loooong :) and most enjoyable!
Hey Chris, nothing left to be said here. But, not to sound redundant, great place and even better people. Welcome and let's see some cooking from the meat machine!
Welcome, Chris! Good to have another Balti-moron on board! Technically, I guess I am not a Balti-moron anymore, since I moved out to the Exurbs years ago. :D
Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! My first smoke went pretty well; I managed not to ruin the brisket. It had great flavor and a decent smoke ring, but was just a little chewy. I don't think I got the internal temp high enough for long enough to break down all the collagens. Still, it was pretty good, so for my first time, I'm calling that a success, and given some of the things I've learned, my next one will be better! :-)

