How Will Stokerlog Work When Stoker Goes WiFi?


D Arita

When Stoker goes wifi, will stolerlog work the same way as it does now? Will we hook up the same way or will the wifi be involved? Be gentle...I'm a computer dummy.
Amir is the expert but there shouldn't be an issue. Stokerlog connects through an IP address. If you are savvy enough to use a static IP, that would be best but a regular IP will do just fine (even the static vs. dynamic IP is really simple). Worst case, if you have IT issues, Rock's will provide phone support and those on this forum can answer everything else.
I'm waiting for the February firmware release too.

As James says, addition of WiFi as the interface should have no impact at all on stokerlog.

That said, there could be problems in that when they change the firmware (software) on the device, often that causes incompatibilities with stokerlog. If I can fix these at my end, I will. If not, I can usually reach out to them to get things to be fixed there.

