How / when do you add charcoal using Minion Method?


T. Cunningham

New member
If my cook needs more time than I can get out of a full load of charcoal using the minion method, how do I add more charcoal? Would I add lit charcoal, unlit charcoal or set the middle off and restart another minion fire? I have the 18.5 WSM and a pitmaster IQ110 and have never used either.. .....Tony
It is best if you can push the coal to one side, add unlit, that put ome of the lit back on top to start a minion burn. If you pour in a lot of unlit on top of your lit, you will run temps way up as well as create a lot of bad charcoal smoke for bad taste.
An 18" can go a long time on a ring of charcoal. But if I need to refill I add used charcoal as the igniter smell has already burned off. If for some reason you need to gets temps up fast, use lit.
An 18" can go a long time on a ring of charcoal. But if I need to refill I add used charcoal as the igniter smell has already burned off. If for some reason you need to gets temps up fast, use lit.

Same here - I take used coals from my kettle. It would take quite a cook to go through more than a full ring of coals, though. I just did 40+ pounds of ham, bacon and beef over 14 hours on a cold and windy day without adding.
Several things happened if you are running low. Either you added to much lit k or you did not fill the ring enough or you had a really long cook with a stubborn piece of meat. I would add between one half and three quarters of a chimney of lit k. Remember that you also have to move the lit k around inside from time to time or tap the leg of the wsm to knock off some of the ash, depending on the type of k you are using. I don't like to added unlit k as you will get smoke from the ignition, I prefer to try and keep as clean as possible from a smoke standpoint.
I've only had to add charcoal one time and I think it was because it was a very cold, windy day and I had to really put the air to it to keep temps up.

I bought one of those el-cheapo fireplace shovels (small) and I just put a few pieces of unlit on it and gently slide it in through the door opening. That way I don't stir up the ashes and I can add a few at a time so I don't get the cold fire nasties.

I think I bought it at Farmer's Supply.

I push the remaining lit coals over to the side, and add unlit beside it (and in as close contact as possible).
Tony, once your WSM is seasoned you shouldn't have to add more charcoal. Like everyone here says, it's not unreasonable to get 14+ hours when starting with a full charcoal ring minion method. New WSM's are very drafty until they get gunked up (approx 5-10 smokes).

In the mean time, be careful when moving lit around in your chamber area, it can send ashes flying all around the inside of your smoker and get all over your food.
I think its a good idea to stir the old coals well before adding new ones.

If you are looking for a higher heat mix in the old coals with the new coals. If you are looking for lower push the hot coals to the side.

