How to Prepare Falled Fruit Tree Wood for Smoking?



My neighbor had to chop down an apple tree last month due to storm damage. Besides chopping it into smaller chunks, is there anything else I need to do to use it for smoking? After cutting, do I need to season it for a year before using?
First of all,free wood rules! I have some hickory and pear that co workers have given me. As far as seasoning,it needs to sit for a.while. At least six months. If it's not.totally dry, you might get a bitter smoke. Trust me,I speak from experience !
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Along with Phil's comment,check for bugs and don't store in or close to your house unless you use sealed containers.
If you store wet wood in sealed containers, it will rot. Allow it to dry first.
I have used wet apple wood on several occations, and I have not have any problems with bitter smoke taste.
If the wood is cut up into fist sized chunks, two to three months are enough when it comes to drying.
If you want it dried, my experience is 3 months, off the floor and uncovered in a dry place will do the trick. That is for fist sized pieces.
Just let it set. Jim brings up a good point about raising it off the ground. If you run across a small pallet, they work nice for wood storage/stacking......
Apple is my go to wood. And as The above said. Cut it up now and use it in 2-3 month. Do not remove the bark or anything fancy. Cut it up let it rest in a waterproof area with a decent air flow.

Ohh And free wood is almost as good as stolen!
I had a similar situation with my mother inlaw's apple tree. I cut it into 3-4 in thick discs as I was going and then split those into fist size chunks. These dried in a few months and are the perfect size for my WSM.


