How to cut SS sheet with a large curve

A nibbeler would be the best way to go. Cut just outside your line then either ,or both a rotoray fine, or drum sander in electric drill and work clockwise to reduce chatter. Work slow to reduce blue burning. And you can also work in different areas to reduce heat also.

The second best way would be a large throat bandsaw.
I’ve worked with a lot of these tools at work for a lot of years. I wouldn’t be all that comfortable making that cut at home. I’d go grinder and a flapper to clean up the cut, be careful, I tell my apprentices all the time that a grinder is the most unforgiving tool we use.
Don't try it. Those things trying to cut metal are beyond hazardous.
I do not believe I ever used mine on metal. but they can be a handful on wood or even drywall. The torque is so great that they seem to want to go where they want to go. You learn to hang on tight.
That metal housing can kill you deader than sh*t under the right circumstances if anything happens to the ground connection. It's a good excuse to retire that old tool and buy yourself a modern double-insulated saw. I had an aluminum-housed drill and an aluminum-housed circular saw that I inherited and I used it for a lot of years with no problem, but it was always in the back of my mind what could happen.
Yeah. I haven't used that sabre saw (jig saw) in a couple of decades, but a sheet metal nibbler might be fun to try out.
Yeah. I haven't used that sabre saw (jig saw) in a couple of decades, but a sheet metal nibbler might be fun to try out.
You better buy a good one. The chromium in the stainless will dull a nibbler in a hot hurry. I got no love for stainless.

