How to clean your grill

I dump my ashes the next day. I scrape my cooking grates while the coals are still hot. Put a cover on em. Wait till the next weekend......
I think the most important step is to preheat the cooking grate for 10-15 minutes at high heat with the lid closed. Then you can easily brush off any unwanted material. And yes, brush out ash in the bowl and empty the ash catcher.
I clean out the ash catcher when it's overflowing, burn off my grates at the beginning of the cook and every few weeks I let the grease accumulated on the indirect side burn off. If you clean your grates after each use you should apply some cooking oil to them after to keep them from rusting.
What do You spray EZ OFF on. Grill plates or Top & Bottom of grill? How long do let it sit? Rinse with water? john

Grates get sprayed and put in a trash bag. The inside of the lid and bowl get sprayed as well. After a good soak, it all gets hosed down and scrubbed where necessary. Comes out looking almost new.
A tip from a military base housing inspector for cleaning the stove. It works well for BBQ grill too. Place racks in plastic garbage bag, add a cup or so of ammonia, tie shut, let it sun-soak on driveway for a couple hours. Minor clean with soap and water (to remove ammonia), rinse and you are good to go.

A tip from a military base housing inspector for cleaning the stove. It works well for BBQ grill too. Place racks in plastic garbage bag, add a cup or so of ammonia, tie shut, let it sun-soak on driveway for a couple hours. Minor clean with soap and water (to remove ammonia), rinse and you are good to go.


Good tip, and I read about that before and it does work. But use a heavy contractor bag like 1.3 mil or thicker. The regular trash/lawn leaves bags are 0.9 mil and are easy to poke holes through with slipping the grates into.

A good way to clean your grill grates is after you get done cooking while the coals are still hot spray a very fine mist of water then brush it steams the grill and is easier to brush off
hate a dirty grill

Just takes a few minutes to give a quick brush while still warm. Give the handle on my OTG a few wiggles, and I'm clean and good to go for my next BBQ. I keep mine in my shed when not in use. Makes a big difference in cleanliness when your BBQ is not always exposed to the elements.

