How Much to Make


Warren - MI

New member
I have a card game scheduled in the near future and I'll have 10 guys that I want to make pulled pork for. How many Boston's do I need.

FYI, these fellas are not light weights. A couple of the guys look like they could be on the defensive line at Michigan State!!!
I buy bone-in butts at Sams for $1.88/lb. and get two of them in the package. Total weight is about 13-15 lbs uncooked. You will lose 40-50% so two butts 15 lbs total weight would leave you around 8 lbs of cooked butt. You might have leftovers "Meathead" says, what's wrong with that?
Can't beat Sam's club prices! Unless you purchase a case, then it is only $1.33 a pound! (60 lbs. a case give or take)
I just did 4 Sam's butts. Started with 27.17 Lbs. (bone in) and only ended up with 11.5 Lbs.
So I only walked away with about 42 % of the total pre-cooked weight.
Two butts should be fine for your fellas, I am sure you will have a few other snacks on hand.
Don't forget to toss some A.B.T's on the grill, you will have room.
Ahh...Brian. I made ABT's with leftover pulled pork for the last party I attended...those baby's were gone in 30 minutes. People were in awe. I find you can toss them on after you pull the meat and give them a little smoke.
Yeah, for big boys, I figure a pound per. With drinks, sides and snacks that leaves you comfortable with the prospect of still having leftovers for the day after.

Side note - I haven't experienced the type of cooking loss noted above. I generally get 60-70% of pre-cook weight after cooking but the butts I get have no fat cap or skin. I also rarely get the internal fat blob anymore. I'm not sure if that's a cooking element or a product element. I generally get my butts at Metro supermarket in TO.

Yes, you are correct, there will be other snacks and of course a couple of tasty adult beverages.

Never thought of making ABT, I never made them and maybe I will. What would you figure a couple dozen?
12 peppers will give ya 24 ABT's for everyone to fight over! And I promise you wont have enough.
Everyone loves these things, even my 75 year old (lady)neighbor. They do take some time to make, so I make them up the day before and stick them in the fridge. Toss them on the smoker the last 2 hours of my smoke.
I keep it simple, a small piece of raw chicken (with your fav. rub) Cream cheese mixed with shredded taco or hot cheese, some green onions chopped up, wrapped in 1/2 cooked bacon (it will crisp up better on the smoker) and rubbed again.
People will eat ABTs until they burst. I used to make a few per person but they were gone in minutes, so gradually started making more each time to see what the right number was.

Around 10 per person they were *still* gone in minutes but people were feeling kinda full when the real meal came out so I've started cutting the numbers down again. I would go a bit higher than 24 for 10 people somewhere between 16 peppers / 32 ABTs and 20/40.

