how many lbs


Corey Elks

TVWBB All-Star
How many lbs. of k blue do you figure you go through in a 10 hour cook at about 250 degrees? also on a weber grill how long will a chimney full of k blue last when doing say chicken at 350-400 on the 22 inch kettle. thanks
I have never used BK(cant get it here)

But i think you will get 10h out of 10lb-12lb

And a chimney of lit will cook that chicken and prolly you will end up with a half chimney left.

Cant really speak about the quality of K or how long it burns. But in a long cook i use 12lb and i have always leftovers.
I don't think about it in pounds. I always make sure the charcoal ring is full,even for shorter cooks like ribs. I don't have a bunch of room for charcoal storage,so I check my supply and buy it as I need it.
I don't usually use K blue for long cooks, but I know that including the lit, I'll heap up a whole 15 lb. bag of Stubbs briqs to last as long as I need for just about any cook, 225-250*, 14hr+.... unless the weather's really brutal.

I usually fill up the cooker with three-four butts, or one brisket and two butts...largest ones I can fit, smoking water in the pan, and it's a ECB (brinkman) charcoal pan that allows me to heap another layer or more briqs than the OE pan does.

As for chicken in the kettle, one heaping chimney will do it without adding any more in nice weather. I've done a couple of beercan chicken cooks with two in the middle of the two charcoal holders, half a chimney in each, and was able to pretty much keep temps 350-400 til the birds were done.

You probably need a few more briqs to keep temps that high if you put two or three fryers with legs pointed toward all the briqs on one side of the kettle, but I like that method better, actually.

In case you're wondering, ceramic cookers use very little in terms of fuel, and wsm's use a good bit more than kettles. K blue is so cheap though, it's not a big deal in the scheme of things. I got several bags from HD a couple of weeks ago on sale for about 28 cents per lb. if I remember correctly. I just wish the local Lowes would put the Stubbs on sale like they've done in other parts of the country.
Dave, thanks for the reply, if you go to your local lowes and tell the manager about the sale in other areas, they will generally match it. thats what i did and i loaded up for the season
Corey, thanks for the tip.

I guess I oughta try that. If they balk, I guess I'll tell them I've gotta go place my order for a few more bags of the big RO chef's select briqs from and see if they change they're tune.

Personally though, Stubbs is the best briqs I've grilled or smoked over. Only one bag has let me down, like it wasn't "up to spec"...more ash than usual. Other than that one though, it's just been really good stuff to cook with. I even like the shape better than K since it doesn't slide in between the rods in a grate as easy. I HATE it when I dump my K out of the chimney in my kettle and it seems like half of the briqs are standing on end in the grate. Stubbs are FAT!

