How many butts?


Joe - theqguy

TVWBB Member
Hey guys, I apologize if this is in the wrong place but I have a question. I've been asked to cook boston butts for around 200 people. My question is how many butts would you suggest cooking? I've never even considered cooking for that many. I'm guessing I can do around 8 at a time on my 22.5" WSM. Thanks for any help and, again, sorry if I'm asking this in the wrong place.
I have put 3 per rack 6 total they were costco close to 10lbs each. All on one giant load of charcoal. That was on the fourth of july, however cold temps may or will change the game.
This one of life's great questions because I almost always over estimate what I need. Over time, I have found that 1/2 lb of raw meat works out well as an overall starting point planning figure. This really depends on how you are serving it and who is doing the serving. If you are doing sandwiches on buns, 1/2 lb for planning is overkill. If you are doing plates, especially if people are serving themselves, you need to keep an eye on it, but it should be enough. I would really encourage servers because people, kids in particular, tend to grab too much and throw (yes it kills me also) a bunch away.
Thank y'all for the info. I found out they are going to be serving side dishes like potato salad and baked beans as well. I think I'll do 8 butts and call it good. I'm a little nervous about cooking this much meat at one time but also really excited about the challenge. Thank you for your info. I hope everyone had a happy thanksgiving.
I talked to the guy in the meat market at my local Piggly Wiggly and he ordered me a case of 8 butts. He said they average 8-9lbs each and sold them to me for $1.39/lb which I thought was a great least for around here. I'm gonna do 8 and they will also have side dishes. Thanks for your help guys. I really appreciate your time and input.
Would love a followup on if those 8 butts fed everyone! I don't think I'd ever have an occasion to cook for that many but if I did, at least I'll know how many to cook.
I did a whole case from Sam’s club for my daughters sweet sixteen party, it fed between 150-175 and we had a couple butts left over. Now most of those were teenage girls and not huge eaters, one thing I would do if you think you might be close is to do like the buffets do, and put the meat at the end of the table so they have their plate pretty much made when they get there, seems to be less BBQ thrown out that way.

