How many butts?


Charlie J

New member
I'm new here and have been using my WSM all summer. I love the thing and I'll give up my first born before I let my WSM go.

I've got a question. In a couple weeks I'm going to smoke some pork butts and need to know how many I'll need to feed around 40 people. I plan to have beans, chips, slaw and a lot of beer. I'll be buying the butts at Sam's Club, they come two to a package.

I hope to smoke 4 butts at a time all night and day for how ever long it takes.

Thanks for any help.
It's all a matter of numbers.

Pork Butt Yield

If your Sam's Club butt's average 8lbs each, that works out to 4x16(4oz each)64 or 4x11(6oz each)44 sandwiches.

Who's making the sides? How hungry are your guests? It will be close. I wouldn't count on leftovers.

Good Luck
Charlie welcome to the obsession. You can fit 3 butts per grate so i would just make 6. This way you'll have plenty to go round and have some leftovers. Some people will eat 2 sammies a piece so better to be safe than sorry. How many of the 40 are children?
For some leftovers and everyone stuffed Id say 6 butts. Have to look at the appetites of the guests and Im paranoid of ever running out of food. Also, what isnt eaten can be fried with potatoes and onions in a little bacon fat the next morning or frozen. All six can be done at once with a very cool 3 tier grate modification.

This is the link to my cook last November. I was feeding 36 people.

Any questions just ask or email me.
Tahnks for the info guys!!

No children. Actually it's members of a hunting web site who get together on public land for a opening weekend campout/hunt.

I was thinking about 4 butts but from what I've read I'll go with 6 butts. I might smoke 4 at home ahead of time and then the last 2 at the camp a day before everyone else shows up.

Thanks again!!

