how long will pulled pork in the fridge

I have to smoke 6 pork butts for an order of 7 pounds and for christmas gifts and teachers gifts, I will start the cooking on the 18th and finish on the 19th I will then vacuum seal it all. the person who orderd the 7 pounds won't need it til the evening of the 23rd will it be ok in the fridge vacuum sealed until then and not lose much of its freshness or should I freeze it
I would freeze it. Vac-sealed, the quality won't be compromised, and the recipient will have the leeway of a few days window to enjoy it. Otherwise, you're basically presenting him with 4-day old leftovers, home vac-sealing not technically being a preservative. Heck, he might even appreciate the option to leave some frozen for future enjoyment.
Jason, we prepack most of the time. As long as you observe proper "cool down" methods you will have no worries vac packing on the 19th and storing in the fridge until the 23rd.
Jason, rest your butts under a loose foil tent for 15- 20 minutes. Now pull them as you normally would and place thinly on sheet pans. Take the sheet pans and cool in fridge or freezer uncovered until they have cooled.The 7 lbs will take approx. 2-3 gallon size vac bags. Remember to allow for air flow around the pans. Vac pac and store. Thats it!!!
I have gone 7 days no problem and longer but for sake of an argument.......................lets just say 7 days in a air tight enviroment. Rub+salt kinda like a weak cure plus smoked it all adds time to the hurl date.

