How long to smoke a brisket point only?


Barry G

New member
I have a 5# brisket point that I plan on smoking to make burnt ends.

I plan on having the burnt ends for dinner so I am trying to time smoking the point accordingly.

About how long will it take for the point to come up to temp - I am shooting for 195-205 - to be able to cube up? Should I let it rest (and if so for how long) before cubing?

Thanks in advance
I am going to take a guess and say 5+/- hours. You mention “coming up to temp”, I would suggest that you use the temp of the meat as a guide rather than a finishing point. What I mean is, all pieces of meat cook differently. So rather than pull the
point from the smoker at 195°-205°, use 195°as a starting point for probing for tenderness. The meat will be done when you can insert a probe (something like a probe from a thermometer) into the meat and you feel little to no resistance. Kind of like checking a cake to see if it is done. I hope this makes sense and helps. Good luck, and I look forward to hearing how it all turned out.
Well, I should have paid more attention to the "+" in your 5+/- hours. After 8 hours I had to finish it in the oven as it was already 5pm and if I didn't have it ready by 7 my wife would be sending me out for take-out :p

I should have treated it just like a brisket flat and planned to start it very early. It came out alright but if it had been able to stay in the smoker for the whole time it would have been much softer. Lessons learned for next time.
Points are weird in that they can vary wildly in size and thickness. I think they cook better on the flat. Luckily they are forgiving.
The one thing I've always fought with on the briskets is time.... I never plan enough and each piece stalls differently.

