how long can ribs rest


Kenny S

my ribs finished up a little early. Have them wrapped in my cooler. how long can they rest? put them in fridge after resting? dinner is at 7:3o eastern time. been resting hour and a half
I've found that if I wrap the ribs in foil and then pack them in a cooler full of towels they keep for at least 4 hours. The more meat you have the more heat you retain and therefore the longer you can keep them. If it's only one rack it might not last as long as three, four, or five racks.

If they're in with a brisket and the cooler is packed with towels, they should last four or five hours. If you need more time than that, I'd wrap them in foil with some kind of liquid (apple juice, beef broth or some such) and put them in a 160* oven. That should keep them until you're ready to eat at 7:30.

...put them in a 160* oven.

I've found that the residual heat in the cooker after shutting it down lasts FOREVER. Pull the ribs and let them rest whien you snuff the fire and if you need to put them in a warming oven use the residual heat in your cooker to meet that requirement. Not sure what kind of cooker you're using but in a WSM you can pull the mid section, water pan, food, and lid off the lower section to let the food coast up to temp. As the heat disipates it makes a great warming oven.

