How do you store your charcoal to keep fresh?



TVWBB Super Fan
I tend to load up on kingsford when the 18-20 lb bags go on sale. However, if not careful, it seems they can absorb moisture and not burn well. I usually put my in large garbage bags, tie them shut and place in large garbage cans with the lid sealed. It has worked pretty well but wondered what others did to keep the charcoal fresh. Perhaps you haven't had a problem, but with high humidity in florida, i find it doesn't burn well if it sits around.
You can try putting the bags on a pallet
wrapped with shrink wrap. Just make sure that
you reseal well when removing a bag.
I used to keep bags in my shed, but after a few bags having the moisture problem you mentioned I started keeping unopened bags in my storage room. Opened bags just get emptied into a tightly sealed plastic box I keep near my smoker. Seems to work fine.
I've wondered about the same thing recently.

I just stocked up on 20 bags of K with the recent buy one, get one, Lowes deal. 1/2 are stacked in the top of my garage, the other 1/2 are on a shelf about 8 feet above the floor of my garage. I wasn't planning on wrapping them in anything special, but maybe I should. Drats, I just got them all put away on Monday.

I had 8 bags that I bought last Oct, stored on the same 8 foot off the floor shelf all winter. I just opened the last bag on Tuesday and it burned fine. But NY humidity is a lot different from FL humidity.

Todd, I keep my bags of lump in the garage on the concrete floor with no problems. Some have been there for 4 years (recent find of a bag of Wicked Good Comp lump and a Bag of B&B Oak Lump). Both burned same as when they were new. Relax, no worries.
I went out yesterday and stocked up on woods and charcoal for the summer so I`m glad this thread is up. I never had an issue with charcoal because it seems I always use it. I BBQ/grill about 3-4 times a week so... However, I have noticed that even wood chips seem to lose their flavor if kept around for awhile. Wood is something I use when I BBQ but not something I used much of on the grill but thats changing!

Just tried Mesquite with a porterhouse last week and chicken sausage last night, it was tremendous... takes the food to another level. What a tangent... sorry.
those kaddys are great. but i would get them at lowes for about 12.00 or wait for a sale. they are good for storing an open bag but thats about it. cheap plastic buckets are fine also.
Briquettes can absorb humidity like a sponge. I generally keep briquettes in construction G-bags with the top tied or twist tie shut.

I haven't had problems with lump.
I keep all my charcoal/smoke wood inside a clean trash can with a lid in the garage. Never had a problem firing it up.
Wrapping anything in plastic with it tightly sealed can actually cause moisture to become trapped. A paper bag, such as what charcoal is packaged in, loosely sealed has always been good for me.....even when I lived in Valdosta GA!! So............whatever works for you is good.
Originally posted by Jim Baker:
Wrapping anything in plastic with it tightly sealed can actually cause moisture to become trapped. A paper bag, such as what charcoal is packaged in, loosely sealed has always been good for me.....even when I lived in Valdosta GA!! So............whatever works for you is good.
Yep to Jim, and never ever do that with your smoke wood. You will have mold/mildew problems bigtime.
Last fall when the big rush for Rancher was on I squirreled away 85 or 90 bags out in my garage. What I did was put 4 bags each in large plastic garbage bags and stacked them in piles 8 foot high.

I've used quite a few over the winter and thru' the spring til' now and have had no problems with moisture. My neighbors think I'm a little nutty to have that much charcoal piled up when I could buy Kingsford just down the street at K-Mart, heh-heh.

I got a auto parts tote from a customer of mine. The second night I had it,we had a storm come through. The next morning,there was a little bit of water(1/2 inch). Went to wally world and bungeed a couple foil sheet pans on top and haven't had any more problems
I usually by 10 20 lb bags of lump at a time for ease of handling/storing. I usually keep them up in the loft of the garage. I have never had a problem with a bag that was on the floor. But then lump can recover from being wet or damp so you can still use it. Briquettes won't be usable if they have gotten wet, at least in my experience.

BTW - just bought 10 20lb bags of Humphrey's from my supplier. Price went up 3 times since January (yep fuel costs). Still cheaper than what the want at the local small shops if you see it, and I'm sure their price has gone up too.
Originally posted by r benash:

BTW - just bought 10 20lb bags of Humphrey's from my supplier. Price went up 3 times since January (yep fuel costs). Still cheaper than what the want at the local small shops if you see it, and I'm sure their price has gone up too.
Ray, FM Brown and Sons? What did you pay? Last time I called it was $20.95 a 40lb bag.

