How do you light lump using Minion?


Rob O

Hi two questions.

1) If using minion with lump how do you know how much lump to use. I'm used to counting briquettes and this will be my first time out with lump.

2) Is there anything special you need to do when lighting lump? Just follow my normal chimney lighting process or does it take something more than that?
If you're doing the MM with lump for a long cook I'd suggest using 5-6 lbs in your ring. Top it with 20 lit Kingsford briquettes. If you have an extra grate and can do the coal grate mod, do so. If you just want a straight lump cook (or if you're not doing the MM this time) light your chimney of lump the same way as you do briquettes.

If you're doing a long cook without a guru monitor your cooker temp. You can get more temp swings with lump.
I try to keep a small bag of Kingsford (8lber) an hand att all times. It seems to be easier to light in the chimney starter. That way you spread the lump in the charcoal ring, and use the Kingsford to light the lump as per the Minion Method. Then use 10-20 briquettes to get it going as you would if using all briquettes. I prefer lump because it seems to taste better and there is far less ash. I use the Humphreys myself
Wow... I guess great minds think alike.... or fools seldom differ
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> or fools seldom differ <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now, that's a good one!
Thanks. I never would have considered using hte kingsford as starter fuel. Great out of the box thinking! Thanks. Makes pefect sense.
Rob O,
Just another version to consider using lump. Last yr. I spent time with a BBQ team that used lump (with WSMs) for long cooks. They would put a layer of lump in the ring, put the chimney on top of the lump layer and fire it up. After the chimney was ready, they dumped it on the lump in the ring, then dumped a load of lump (unlit) on top of the hot coals to the brim of the ring and set up the rest of the cooker and put the meat on etc...

It lasted about 8 or 9 hrs. I suppose if you used less lump in chimney it would burn the rest slower.

Even though you're a Eagles fan...have a great Sunday smokin'

I use lump exclusively because that's the only kind of charcoal available where I live. I can't be bothered to pre-light, so I just drop a couple of those big, waxy matches that are made for starting fireplaces right on top of the lump in my WSM. It works fine.
When using lump I rip the paper from the bags that hold the lump and use that as the starter. I fill 1/2 the chimney on top of the paper and light. I've never had to use more than 1 match to get it to light. It burns real hot real fast so don't leave it for too long.

As far as setting up the ring goes it's best to have the bottom grate mod to keep the smaller pieces from falling through. I first put in the wood chunks I plan on using and then I fill the ring with lump packing it down so it fills the holes. Then I dump my chimney on top ala the MM method. I put the smoker together real quick with the bottom vents 100%. Once the temps reach about 190 I shut them down to nothing. Once the temps settle in the 225 range I open them up very slightly. I usually get 8 to 9 hours before needing to refuel.

Just an aside, I did my first long burn (18 hours) with charcoal this weekend and I found lump to be easier to work with. For one thing I had to leave the door open to get the coals up to 250 and then when I shut the door the temps would drop real fast down to 200. It took me much longer to stabilize than it did with lump. I also had problems with the temps dropping below 200 about every 4 hours. I'd open the door to bring the temps back up and then 4 hours later the same thing. If I opened the vents higher the temps would start climbing and wouldn't stop. I was also disappointed that I only got 9 hours out of a packed ring and a full chimney. I was expecting at least 12 if not more from what everyone says. I also did not like all the ash when I was done. I couldn't believe I filled up the entire bottom with ash. You get about 1/2 of that with lump. I'm sure I'll play some more with charcoal but I'm leaning towards being a lumpman.

