How Cold Can You Go?

I'm thinking of smoking a turkey for Christmas, but up here in Maine daytime temps are running in the teens. Will a WSM hold its internal temperature when air temps are so low? What modifications will I need to make? Open vents and more charcoal? Longer cook times?

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to all!
I did 9 slabs of ribs last New Years day. The WSM works just fine in cold weather. You don't really have to change anything. However, if it's windy - all bets are off. You will definately need a wind break. Last year I bought one of those water heater blankets (search on this site for the right type) just in case it got windy. Thankfully, it wasn't windy, but if you have people expecting food, you better deliver. Make sure you have a wind break. See this also.
Wind break helps a lot, but the heater blanket helps block the wind to help control temps, and saves a bunch of fuel! I don't get the low temps like you do in Maine, but I did smoke in -7 winds last year without a problem. You want to "set it and forget it" in those temps lol. Brrrrr.
Peter - it's pretty easy to maintain regular smoking temps (225-250) in super cold weather. However, it definitely is more difficult holding 350+ temps in super cold weather. Definitely open all the vents (assuming no wind). If you can get a blanket, as Bob mentions, do it. Otherwise, just use more lit and unlit charcoal than you'd normally do for a high-heat cook. You should be OK.
You will have longer cooking times. This past Thanksgiving in Chicago I had strong winds and temps in the single digits, two of the worst things you can have for BBQ. The temp swayed between 350° and 400° and the bird took an extra hour or so in the smoker. I always use a wind shield when I cook, and that trully saved my butt this Thanksgiving. So give yourself a little more time before dinner.
Don't worry. You can cook well below zero. I haven't had to make any modifications down to zero, but use more charcoal below zero. It really is wind that is your enemy.


