How About a Few Pictures?

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Here is a couple of pictures of the end result of my 12 hour butt cook. Damn fine tasting. Can someone recommend a good vinegar-based BBQ sauce for pulled pork? They ran out of Stubb's and the only thing I could find was Stubb's Mopping Sauce. It was alright, but I am looking for something to compliment the pork. Texans usually do beef and most of the sauces here are generic or designed for beef. The quest continues....


I don't know how your cat can be looking the other way! Someone must be bringing in another butt. The pulled pork looks great. Thanks for the pictures, I enjoy seeing how others do things.
Bryan, that looks great! I'm sure it tastes as good as it looks. I've got my first butt in the WSM right now, sure hope it looks like yours when its done.

Even that sandwich roll seems to be licking its lips and smiling up at the pulled pork going "mmmmmm"...!

Looks tasty. Did you put slaw on the sammitches too? Really gives it a nice kick. Just drizzle the cabbage and carrots with a bit of the mop sauce and it's perrrrrfect.
I am not a big slaw fan so it was just pork and sauce. However, I did find a great sauce while grocery shopping today. It's called Austin's Own. I got the medium/border version. I piled some pork in a pan with a bit of water and put a lid on it. When the water was gone and meat was hot I added the sauce. My wife tried a little piece and a minute later was asking if she could have a sandwich. I have got enough meat for the guys for lunch tomorrow and I will probably freeze the rest. Picked up a 4 lb. brisket for next weekend. This stuff is addictive. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
How many of those "tall boys" did it take to finish a 12 hr butt cook? /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif
Here's the sauce I use.

Basic Eastern NC style sauce:
1 C white vinegar
1 C cider vinegar
1 Tbs. sugar (I use brown)
1 Tbs. cayenne pepper
1 Tbs. Tabasco sauce
1 tsp. kosher salt
1 tsp. cracked black pepper
Makes 2 Cups

I cut the cayenne down to 1-2 tsp. and add two Tbs. of ketchup. It just seems to make the flavors blend better.
The meat looks a little dry.

Just kidding! I couldn't resist interjecting a frequent appearance survey comment.

Congratulations! That pile of meat looks a whole lot better than the microwave burrito I had for lunch. Makes me wish I had played in the smoke this weekend.

Thanks for the sauce recipe John. The first time I had pulled pork was with my brother in Wilson, NC. And I was looking for a vinegar based sauce for the pork. Of course all of the Texas folks like the usual sauces, although I did get alot of comments about the Austin's Own sauce I bought on Sunday. Thanks, again.
You're welcome Bryan. That pulled pork with the vinegar sauce has become one of my favorites. That sauce is practically bulletproof - it'll last for months in the fridge, maybe even out of the fridge. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
Nice smoke ring. My family comes from Paris Tn.
That area was settled mostly by North Carolinians.
ie my great great grandfather being one of them.
So the sauce their is hot and vinergery. Trolingers is got some of the best of that kind of sauce. 731-642-8667
Hey, Stogie.

I couldn't resist making the comment, especially since I had ranted on that topic the day before on another thread.

Long ashes to you!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I don't know how your cat can be looking the other way! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>The cat is not looking the other way. The cat is pretending to be completely uninterested so that the gullible person the cat owns will think "no problem" and walk away, leaving said tray of pulled pork unattended.

Ask me how I know... /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif

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