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Bryan S

TVWBB Olympian
I've read on various posts about how good hot dogs come out on the WSM.So today while waiting for the ribs and brisket to get done i put 2 dogs on the top grate and left them in for one hour. I opened the lid and saw the two most awsome looking hot dogs i ever saw. I knew that they were going to be good. Understatement these were the best hot dogs i ever ate. So the next time you got the WSM going and all the wonderfull smells coming out of it are making you hungry put some dogs on and enjoy the best dog you ever ate.
Bryan, what brand of hot dogs did you use? I've tried some brands that did'nt taste good on the grill. Hot dogs are not all alike but i'm game to try them on the smoker.
Thanks again for the cooking tips on the beef and pork. They both turned out perfect. These water smokers and help from you experts make this a very fun way to cook. Family went nut's over the meat. I think our local bbq pit restaurant may have lost a few customers.
Here in Pa we have several smoke house companys.I used KUNZLER they make Hams, Bacon, Hot Dogs Scrapple, and Luncheon meats. The dogs i used were just plain meat franks. I 'm going to try Nathans Hot Dogs next time.(Coney Island)
Glad to here that the rib roast and butt turned out great. The reason i posted about the hot dogs is that i don't think everybody knows how good the WSM does dogs. Grilling them is ok but not great. I read on this forum that you put the dogs on for an hour and never turn them. They plump up and get a nice dark brown and smokey flavor and are just perfect. You never turn them just let them sit in there and sweat. Perfect /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif
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