Homemade Spicy Fennel Ketchup


Ulf Rasmussen

TVWBB Member

I eat a lot ot "artisanal" / gourmet or whatever you want to call it sausage links, that my local butcher makes. I like'em spicy, and I've found regular good old Heinz ketchup doesn't work that well with these strong flavoured sausage links.
I've tried some chili ketchups etc but thought it'd be fun to make my own and decide myself how spicy etc I wanted it. In my opinion this came out pretty well, think it goes well with spicy/smoky sausage link hot dogs.

You’re going to need:
8 smoked, roasted chillies
2 cans of chopped tomatoes (If you live in a part of the world with GREAT tomatoes, you can use fresh ones instead. Lucky you!)
0,5 cup tomato paste
2 tbsp rapeseed oil
6 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp worcestershire sauce
2 tbsp freshly ground fennel seed
1 tsp marjoram
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1 tbsp ground pepper
1 tbsp ground cumin
1 tbsp maldon salt
2 tbsp ground chili flakes

Put your smoked and roasted chillies with rapeseed oil in a blender, and blend to a fine paste. Combine with everything else in a saucepan, and bring slowly to a boil. Let it simmer for 45 minutes or until desired consistency is reached. Blend in batches until desired smoothness is achieved. Let it cool to room temperature before putting in containers and storing in the fridge. Sterilize your equipment and jars, seal them properly, and this kind of sauce will stay good for many months in your fridge.

PS! You can also strain it if you like, but I like my homemade ketchup to be a bit more chunky, not silky like factory made ones. Have fun with it and make sure to tell me if you try it!

Here's a photo of the finished product:
Rapeseed Oil is not sold in N.A. as such (AFAIK). I believe the counterpart is canola and is a "man-made" oil.

I would imagine any type of 'eatable' oil would work.

Maldon salt--just sea salt (ie non-iodized)?

Your recipe does look good in any case.

Personally, I prefer mustard on 'sausage on a bun' but ketchup when I'm having a sausage with an egg (ie breakfast). Weird like that.
Ah, yes I put rapeseed oil because it's my go-to for a healthy, tasteless food oil, with an okay smoke point. I guess canola or any other mild oil would work too. Any sea salt will do too.

So, no diesel oil, and no mineral salt.

