Holding ribs?

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MikeH AZ

New member
On Sat. I will probably have ribs done 2-3hrs before dinner, can I hold them in a cooler like I've heard mention with butts? Or is there a better way?

Thanx for any help

One more ? I will have six adults and 3-4 kids (under 6 y/o) will 4 racks of baby backs be enough?
Hi Mike

Yes-you can hold them that way. I recommend a double thickness of heavy duty foil. I usually put a towel over them in the cooler as well.

I think you'll want another 2 racks unless you're doing other meats as well.


I think you are going to run out of ribs.I dont know how your friends eat, but I plan a rack per adult around here.And if you have left overs...um good for breakfast!

Have fun ,
You WILL run out of ribs, espically if you are doing BB. I would get at least 8 racks...if the kids eat ribs to then maybe 10 racks should be in order.

Why will the ribs be done so long before dinner? Is something else going in there for a later finish? If not, why not time it so you can pull them off when dinner is ready. Easier and more impressive than un-wrapping foil off your ribs!
Thanx sooo much for the help! I just got myself out of the wedding shower I needed to goto so now I can time the ribs so they will be done at dinner (I don't have the confidence yet to leave them cooking if I'm gone
) Looks like I'll get 6-8 racks I'll need to roll them to gat them to all fit right? ( I only have one weber rib holder) Again thanx for saving my "Q"
If we are eating around 7-7:30p I think I'll start them around 1-1:30a is that enough time?
Thanx again for your time, I'll try to get some pics...
"You WILL run out of ribs, espically if you are doing BB. I would get at least 8 racks...if the kids eat ribs to then maybe 10 racks should be in order."

Ummmm, you may not want to do a full rack for everyone who attends !!!

A good rule of thumb for BB, is that if you have a mixed crowd ( men, women, children ) then 2 full racks will feed 3 eaters.

Good Luck and Have Fun !!!
I still think he would be wise to get more instead of less ribs...but then again, I'd do pork butts for pulled pork sammiches!!
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