Hoedown Roast with Parmesan Potatoes


Daryl S

TVWBB Super Fan
Had wanted to use the Performer for this dinner but the day got away on me.
So I fired up the Genesis grill with a cherry wood smoke pack under the grate.
The chuck roast had been marinating for about 36 hours.
Put it on a roast rack with a drip pan with water.
The Parmesan Potatoes in the foil pack added shortly after the roast went in.49B4DA19-8773-48BA-9E1B-576AB3EED7E9.jpeg
Pulled the roast at about 130° internal temp.
Let the potatoes go a bit longer to hopefully get some nice caramelization. 5CC45324-73BF-4843-8EFD-19125CA19689.jpeg
Sliced up the roast after a nice rest
Looks good and is juicy.
Parmesan potatoes look good, would have liked a bit more colour on them.
These are layers of thinly sliced red potatoes with Parmesan cheese, crushed garlic and small chunks of butter plus salt and pepper.
They are very tasty

The finished plate, beef roast with potatoes and green/ yellow beans.
After the photos I added a dollop of horseradish. Gotta have it with a beef roast, although this roast was so good we didn’t really need the horseradish.

I boiled the marinate for 20 minutes and used some of it as a glaze and another portion as extra sauce for the finished plate.
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This recipe is from our 1994 Pillsbury cookbook for outdoor cooking.
We try to make this recipe once a year, reminds us of the first time we made this on a camping trip many years ago.
Nice. I've not ad too much success with chuck roast though yours looks like a chuckeye roast. Which should be more successful.

