HM 4-Line LCD build for electric smoker

Hey Steve, thats pretty neat, could something like thingspeak be used to do the graphing of heatermeter data. I know some people do smoking that is longer then the 24 hour limit of the HM. Something like this would be alternate way to make hm data go beyond the 24 hour period.
Yep, you could use it for that. Each "channel" allows for a max of 8 fields, so you could graph:

set point
probe 0
probe 1
probe 2
probe 3
blower speed
lid open state

It will probably require a custom lua script parse the json output from hmstatus

Something like:

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This is beyond crude, but it should work.

I'm sending my stats here.

You can also whip up your own html file that calls the charts any way you like.


In the html file, I set results=2880 as 2880 minutes = 2 days. You can set it to whatever you want.


#field1 = set point
#field2 = lid state
#field3 = fan speed
#field4 = probe0 temp
#field5 = probe1 temp
#field6 = probe2 temp
#field7 = probe3 temp

stats=$(lmclient \
| tr "{," "\n" \
| grep -e set -e lid -e \"c\" \
| awk -F: '{print $2}' \
| sed 's/null/0/g')

# only let the lid be 0 or 100
lidstate=$(echo $stats | awk '{print $2}')
if [ "$lidstate" != "0" ]
stats=$(echo $stats | awk '$2 {$2=100; print}')

json=$(echo "{"
for i in $stats
do echo "\"field$n\":$i,"
n=$(( n+1 ))
echo "}")

TYPE="Content-Type: application/json"
PAYLOAD=$(echo $json | sed 's/, }/ }/g')

curl -k -m 40 -o /dev/null -s -H "$TYPE" -H "$TOKEN" -d "$PAYLOAD" "$URL"
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Hey Steve, thats pretty neat, could something like thingspeak be used to do the graphing of heatermeter data. I know some people do smoking that is longer then the 24 hour limit of the HM. Something like this would be alternate way to make hm data go beyond the 24 hour period.

It's not as easy to read at the stock HM graph, but you can log for days and weeks at a time :)

I just found this thread, I have a smokin-it as well and built all the electronics in semi permanently. Here's my install.


Great minds think alike! I brought power into the double gang box you see and have the 12v PS in there. There is also a connection from there to the SSR which I mounted close to where the analog controller was. I used the hole where it was to run everything through from by box to the inside chassis. As for the pit probe, I played around with it a lot but ended up making a bracket and placing it horizontally near where the original was and isolated it from a metal connection to the chassis. I then run my food probes in from the vent hole in the top. I too retained the neon indicator so i can see when the SSR turns on and off.

