Hi. First try at cooking a flat High Heat method.
Pictures to follow.
- 10 lb flat.
- Injected with 2 cups apple juice, sugar, salt, white vinegar, beef consomme' about 36 hours ago.
- Flat absorbed all but about a half cup.
- Rubbed w/paste. Sit for 24 hours. Sprinkle with dry rub.
- Lump ignited dump method with KB.
- 4 half-fist sized chunks oak. 2 half-fist sized chunks hickory. Soaked and buried.
- Dry pan. 18.5" WSM.
- Flat straight from fridge to WSM 7:40 ET 39* initial temp.
- Pit temp dropped to 225* after brisket loaded.
- 8:30 AM brisket at 60* pit at 328*
Interesting aside. Been so long since I've used my bottom vents they're frozen shut. Needed to pry them open with a claw hammer. Looks like I've got some maintenance ahead of me.
Pictures to follow.
- 10 lb flat.
- Injected with 2 cups apple juice, sugar, salt, white vinegar, beef consomme' about 36 hours ago.
- Flat absorbed all but about a half cup.
- Rubbed w/paste. Sit for 24 hours. Sprinkle with dry rub.
- Lump ignited dump method with KB.
- 4 half-fist sized chunks oak. 2 half-fist sized chunks hickory. Soaked and buried.
- Dry pan. 18.5" WSM.
- Flat straight from fridge to WSM 7:40 ET 39* initial temp.
- Pit temp dropped to 225* after brisket loaded.
- 8:30 AM brisket at 60* pit at 328*
Interesting aside. Been so long since I've used my bottom vents they're frozen shut. Needed to pry them open with a claw hammer. Looks like I've got some maintenance ahead of me.