Ivan Stratton
I had the itch to smoke something and my friends have been bugging me to make them some BBQ. I have a new job so I have had little time for the WSM. This might be a little long winded. I bought another WSM a couple months ago and hadnt used it so now is the time. I went to Sams and bought a case of butts thinking there were 8 to a case but this one had 10 even though a total weight of 63 lbs. So avg butt size is 6.3 lbs. I was going to put 4 on each smoker but now Im doing 5 on each. 4 largest on the top racks. 6 others on lower racks. (they seem pretty consitent size wise though). Here is where Im deviating from my normal smoke. Im foiling the water pans but going empty, no water so I can try to get my temps up. Both smokers are running between 275 and 300 degrees right now. Im going to try and get them to settle around 300. I usually cook at around 240 because thats where my original WSM wants to cook. I dont care what I do to it if I use water 240 is it. Im just hoping to shave a little time off this cook. 6 lb butts usually take me around 12 hrs. With this higher heat when do you think they will be ready? Would it be closer to 1.5 hrs per lb? If you have any addittional suggestions please let me know. Im off to make 3 gallons of No. 5