HH cooking in a dirty bullet and the improper use of a torch!


Dave Russell

TVWBB Honor Circle
Wish I could say that all my cooks were perfectly executed.
However, keeping it real, hopefully sharing my mistakes (ok...stupidity) might prevent a grease fire for someone else, especially you guys cooking on your back deck.

Anyway, it had been a while since my cooker had seen 300*+ and I decided to do a little HH brisket cook the other day. After getting impatient with my charcoal after first burning four starter cubes in the top I decided to go get the weedburning torch. No problem.....yet.

Basically, because of a time crunch I ignored some unusually heavy smoke and put the brisket on, thinking that the culprit was just the charcoal and that the smoke would clean up momentarily. Then I noticed my gauge.
The thing is at 350* and climbing, smoke is still pouring out, and I'm left scratching my head.

Well, the <span class="ev_code_RED">GREASE FIRE</span> in my charcoal bowl was caused by a combination of a couple of things. For one, I never clean my bullet out besides using a plastic putty knife to hit the high spots. I think my biggest mistake though was in using the torch for so long, with the middle section in place to hold the heat in. Once I realized what the issue was I removed the cooker and waited a few minutes til the fire was out.

Somehow, other than having a less than stellar smoke flavor, I nailed the brisket. It wasn't half bad, and I think that foiling with a cup+ of water must've helped take the edge off the bad smoke.

Lesson learned here, though. I'll take Weber's suggestion and do a thorough annual cleaning from here out, and I won't be using the weedburning torch again for so long, especially with the middle section in place. My weedburner's ignitor wire might be burnt up, but on the bright side....maybe the slightly out-of-round condition of my bullet bottom will help in raising temps during future cooks.
I know it's time to break out the pressure washer when I see mold growing on the sides of mine. I usually have a cleaning party about once a year when the weather is warm and give everything a good blasting. Then I go in and take a shower.

after 100s of cooks, I've never seen grease in my charcoal bowl. are you cooking without a water pan? Also, I wonder if lifting the lid off was a good idea? Maybe it would have been safer to have shut the vents?

